On July 1, 2010 the new museum opened with a basic display of exhibits. A continuous further development and a conceptional completion will certainly still take several years.

By the final construction visitors of the exhibition hall (area 2.000 m²) will be vividly shown the history of the Czechoslovakian army from its upcoming in World War I to nowadays. Furthermore, there are collections of infantry munitions, field- and anti-aircraft guns, NBC protection means, and many other topics which belong to the main focus of the exhibition. Unique is the detailed presentation of the leading characters of the army in the 1930s (Supreme Commander of the Forces in 1938 Army General L. Krejčí, Brigade General B. Fiala, Chief of the Directory of the Fortification Works Division General Ing. (Engineer) K. Husárek).

The exhibition hall and also the covered outdoor displays show exhibits partially unique. A wide range of mechanized technology of the former Czechoslovakian People’s Army and the current Czech army is presented to the interested observer, e.g., tanks, armored transport vehicles and combat vehicles of the infantry. More items stress the orientation of the museum towards engineer and special technology.
In the second section of the museum area there are modern workshop facilities and the presentation area with an obstacle course for mobile demonstrations. Furthermore, there is a fully operational reconstruction of a shack camp from the 1930s for 120 soldiers (it serves as an additional display space and as logistic support at bigger events in the area), and there is also a light combat installation model 37. At its completion the entire presentation area shall realize a “battle field” – with ruins of houses, trenches, a ford and similar things.